Jesus, Mary I love You, save souls!
SISTER MARY CONSOLATA BETRONE (Capuchin Nun 1903 - 1946) Sister Mary Consolata, in the world Pierina Betrone, was born on April 6th, 1903 at Saluzzo, Piedmont, and in the following year her family moved to Turin. While she was making her thanksgiving after Communion on the feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1916 - she was 13 years old - she heard for the first time an inner Voice which asked, "Do you wish to be entirely Mine?" Without comprehending the full implications of the question, she replied, yes, Jesus! To belong entirely to Jesus meant for her to become a nun. She strove hard for her vocation and for a time was even subjected to a painful spiritual trial, but finally, on April 17th, 1929, the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, she was able to realize her ardent aspirations and was received into the Capuchin convent of Turin. Sister Consolata was given a special mission by Our Lord. Her particular vocation was one of love, to round out, so to speak, St. Therese the Little Flower's doctrine of the Little Way of Love by giving it a concrete form which could be practiced and achieved by all souls who feel themselves called to it. Her mission was to offer to God an unceasing act of love from the heart. (pg.1)
THE FORMULA FOR THE UNCEASING ACT OF LOVE: The act of love which Jesus dictates to Sister Consolata is worded as follows Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls! It will be of benefit to souls to examine the intrinsic value of this act of love, at least briefly:
1. It would be impossible to formulate a more perfect act of love in fewer words, for it contains everything: love of Jesus, love of Mary, and love of souls.
2. This is an act of pure love, for by it one gives to God the most excellent gift of all: love and souls.
3. At the same time it is an act of perfect charity for in it the love of one's neighbor finds it's highest expression in an unceasing prayer for the benefit of souls, and it comprises all souls, including those in purgatory, and all their needs as explained by Jesus Himself.
4. This act of love is, therefore, a synthesis of the two great commandments which are in turn the very essence of the Law.
5. Because this act is unceasing in the sense which we will now explain, it brings the soul to a literal and perfect fulfillment of the first commandment which is, to love God with all one's heart; the act of love must spring from the heart, for it is the heart that loves with the greatest possible continuity and intensity: with the whole mind; the continuity of the act of love precludes of itself every useless voluntary thought: with the whole soul, that is, as St. Thomas explains, with all one's will; the unceasing act of love is sustained by fervor of the will, not by sentiment: with one's whole strength; in order to attain the greatest possible continuity and intensity of love, it is necessary to concentrate all the souls energies upon it. (pg.3)
6. The act of love is in itself and in the above formula also a prayer, in fact it is the most perfect of prayers, for it brings the soul to a literal and perfect execution of that other evangelical precept: "We ought always to pray, and not to faint." (4 Luke 18:1)
7. Through this act of love the soul lives a supernatural life as intensely as possible for the glory of God, for her own sanctification, and for the salvation of souls.
8. Through it the soul lives an essentially mortified life, by excluding everything else in silent self-dedication . Thus she comes to join the ranks of the little victims of love.
The instructions which Jesus gave to Sister Consolata concerning the unceasing act of love establish its far-reaching importance and prevent one from falling into a simple error. It would be wrong to mistake the act of love for a mere ejaculation, to be recited more or less frequently in preference to others. That would not be a bad thing, and for the majority of souls it may even be sufficient, but this would not correspond to the divine intention. Our Lord did not intend to suggest a new ejaculation, but to point out to souls a spiritual way which would make the life of love easy for them. If then the act of love is to be a way of life for the soul, then it follows that the act ought to be unceasing, at least by an effort of the will, in order to become like the breathing of the soul. (pg.4)
(1909 - 1946)
Imprimatur: + Francis Cardinal Spellman Archbishop of New York
Nihil Obstat: John M. Fearns, S.T.D. Censor Librorum
Never let yourself become perturbed, never, never! For when you become perturbed, the devil is content, then his victory will be assured. Remember that you are obliged under obedience never, never, never to let your soul become perturbed! That is for you the most important thing! Tell me, Consolata, which is the more perfect soul: one who is always bewailing to Jesus that she is imperfect, is constantly committing faults, and is unfaithful to her resolutions - or one who is always smiling at Jesus, does what she can to love Him, but does not worry over her involuntary imperfections so as not to lose time, she is intent solely upon continuing to love Jesus. Tell Me which of these souls seems to you to be the more perfect? (pg.5)
Therefore, do what you can to love Me, and when you realize that you have been unfaithful to Me, offer Me a more ardent act of love, and then take up once again your song of love. Jesus is not a tyrant, and if He forgives an entire lifetime of crimes in return for an act of love, then tell Me, how could it be that He would take notice one day of some useless thought on which you had dwelt involuntarily? It is a futile lament and a loss of time to keep repeating to Me: 'Look, Jesus, what I have done; how faithless I have been...' On the contrary, a more ardent act of love enriches your own soul and delights mine! Do you understand?... Do not give a thought to your involuntary imperfections!
I long to be loved by innocent hearts, by the hearts of children, by hearts who will give Me all their love! Consolata, love Me on behalf of each and every one of My creatures, of each and every heart that exists. I thirst so much for love!
Write this down, Consolata - for I demand it of you under obedience - that for one act of love from you I would create heaven! Consolata, when you love Me continuously, I enjoy heaven in your heart! My daughter, the desires of your heart please Me so greatly that, if I had not already instituted My divine Sacrament of love, I would institute it for love of you in order to have the pleasure of abiding in your soul! (pg.6)
One of your Communions recompenses Me for all I had to suffer in order to search you out, to find you and to possess you! "But Jesus, I do not know how to say anything to Thee!" Never mind; your heart is Mine exclusively, and what else do I desire from My poor creatures, but the heart? I do not trouble about anything else... Your heart is already Mine for all eternity!
Tell all souls, Consolata, that I prefer an act of love and a communion of love to any other gift which they may offer me! Yes, an act of love is better than the discipline, for I thirst for love. Poor souls! They think that in order to reach Me it is necessary to live an austere, penitential life!... See how they misrepresent me. They make me out as one to be feared, whereas I am kindness itself! See how they forget the precept which I have given them, the very essence of the entire Law: ' Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul...' Today, as yesterday and tomorrow, I ask only and always for love from my poor creatures! (pg.7)
Do not turn your glance away from Jesus for any reason whatsoever; then you will reach the eternal shores more rapidly! I desire you to be perfect! I want you continually with Me! Therefore, Jesus only! I alone suffice for everything. You trust Me, do you not?
Do you know what I desire from you? Continuous intimacy, without even an instant's distraction; always united with Me, even when you must converse with creatures. Consolata, close the door of your cell to every earthly sound, and leave only the window open to all that is heavenly. Just as you close the door of your cell (for solitude is so beautiful), so you must also close every door to the senses. Let us always live in intimacy, you and I alone. Close the entrance to every thought, to everything. Just the two of us alone, always!
I am always faithful to My promises! If you remain always in Me, you too will remain faithful to what you have promised and resolved, for what is found in the vine is also found in the branch. If you are in Me and we are one, then you will bring forth much fruit and will become strong, for you will disappear like a drop of water in the ocean; My silence will pass into you, and My humility, My purity, My charity, My gentleness, My patience, My thirst for suffering, and My zeal for souls whom I wish to save at all costs! (pg.8)
Since you are longing to love Me and save souls for Me, dwell in Me always, at work and during recreation... Do not leave Me for an instant! Then you will bear much fruit. Look at Saint Peter. He had been fishing all night long and had caught nothing; but together with Me, he pulled in his nets filled with fish almost as soon as he had cast them into the water. It will be the same with you if you never leave Me for an instant. Whenever you receive from Me an inspiration to mortify yourself, throw out your net in response, and you will haul it in filled with souls - souls whom you will not know until you reach heaven.
God is charity; and he that abides in charity, abides in God, and God in him. You see, I am love, and as long as you remain in Love, you remain in Me and I also in you. Therefore, even when I am silent and when you no longer hear My voice, remember always that as long as you love Me, I am in you and you in Me!... Is it not true that you desire to love Me alone and always? Therefore, I remain always in you and you in Me! (pg.9)
When you are praying you feel the need of being enveloped in silence; and so too, in order to be united with Me, it is necessary that a profound silence should reign in your innermost being. Any little noise disturbs prayer, in a similar way, any mere trifle that distracts you, disturbs your fervor. Immaculateness is always required! Consolata, you know that I love you very much! My Heart is divine, yes, but it is also human like yours; and so it longs for your love, for your every thought... I shall take care of everything, even the most trivial matters, but you must think only of Me! I long for your love! So have no other thoughts: they will be like thorns in My Head!
Behold Jesus crowned with thorns! You can imitate Him in a very real manner by not permitting one other thought, nothing else to enter your mind. In that way souls will be brought to salvation, and you yourself will be free to love. From the moment that the Crown of Thorns first circled My Head, I have never laid it down again. You must do the same; your one thought must be to love. And do you know when you do remove your crown of thorns? When you linger over some useless thought! You see, Consolata, thoughts which come to you without you desiring them, do not make for unfaithfulness. (pg. 10)
If you will obliterate yourself and will not permit any outside thought to enter, then I will be thinking within you; if you will not speak, then I will speak within you; if you will stop following your own will, then I will act within you; it will no more be you who lives, but I in you. Bid farewell for good to every thought, every word; let others do what they will; you must remain in Me! You will gather much fruit, for I will be the one who acts.
Remember and keep it well fixed in your mind, you who long so much to gather abundant fruit: in the Gospels I did not declare that you would bring forth much fruit if you undertook extraordinary mortifications, but that you would do so if you remained in Me. Therefore, do not depart from the straight road, but devote your every effort to remaining well united with the Vine. Do not separate yourself from the thought of 'Jesus only!' not even by a single thought or an uncalled for word. I will think of everything! Love is everything! If you will now concentrate upon this one resolution, you will be giving everything to Jesus! (pg.11)
You see, Consolata, My creatures make Me out as one who is fear inspiring rather than kind, and I, on the other hand, delight in being always and solely kind. What is it that I require? Love, and love only, for he who loves Me, serves Me. You see, I long to have My creatures serve Me out of love. Therefore, if a soul avoids some fault for fear of My chastisements, that is not what I am longing for from My creatures. I desire to be loved; I crave the love of My creatures! When they will come to love Me, they will no longer offend Me. When two people really love each other, they never offend each other. That is precisely the way it ought to be between the Creator and His creatures.
Rather than with diligence you should strive to do everything with much love. Whether you are working, eating, drinking, or sleeping, do everything with a great deal of love, for I thirst for love. Love is what I look for in every work. Fix all your attention upon your task of the moment so as to accomplish it with all possible love. Your actions will have value in proportion as you increase in love! (pg.12)
That soul is dearest to Me who loves Me the most! Do you wish to do penance for your sins? Then love Me! Love shall be your penance! Yes, with love you can make reparation for the horrible sacrileges; with love you can suffer, you can immolate yourself and can consummate the sacrifice! Everything is love, and only through love! Do not always keep looking back at yourself, and on what you have done, but look beyond all those defects, and love always! (pg.13)
Do you want to live up to your vocation? Then love Me alone. Love Me always. Then you will be conforming yourself completely to My plans for you! You must think only about loving Me, and I will see to it that you become charitable. The more you will dwell in Me, the more will I let My humility work through you. Love Me alone! I will attend to maintaining you in humility. If you but dwell in Me, that which is in the vine will also be in the branches. Love is sanctity. The more you love Me, the more you will become holy! Remember that love, and only love, will bring you to the highest degree of sanctity! Love Me, and you will be happy, and the more you love Me, the happier you will be! Even when you will find yourself in utter darkness, love will produce light, love will produce strength, and love will produce joy! Oh, if people would only love Me, what felicity would reign in this unhappy world!
Love will carry you to the height of suffering. In order to suffer well, you need to love, solely love, always love, and love intensely! Love is greater than suffering, and suffering will be the more perfect, the more powerful the love which is in you. When suffering is accepted with love, it is no longer suffering, but is changed into joy. Consolata, I give you the joy of sorrow, and joy in sorrow. Consolata, you know that I am thinking of everything, that I am providing for everything down to the smallest detail. Therefore, do not let one thought enter your mind, not one outside interest... Have no fear! I am taking care of you! (pg. 14)
You think that you do not deserve these joys in eternity because you are doing nothing? Tell Me, what does the catechism say? That you have been created to love Me, to serve Me, and to be happy with Me in all eternity. And you, do you not love Me? Do you not serve Me? Well, then you are entitled to the glory and joy of heaven! I give you heaven not only out of love, but out of justice. Consolata, just as I have taken on the responsibility for your thoughts and words, so also for your continuous act of love. But you must remember once and for all that when you are conversing with Me or when you are writing or meditating, the act of love continues. I credit you with it just the same even though the heart is obliged to keep silent at those times! (pg.15)
If a creature of good will desires to love Me and to make of her life one single act of love from the moment of her rising until she falls asleep at night - from the heart, be it well understood - then I will perform incredible things for that soul. Write that down!
Consolata, I have certain rights over you; therefore, I desire from you an unceasing 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' from the time you awaken in the morning to when you go to sleep in the evening! I require it! If you believe Me to be omnipotent, then you must also believe Me to be capable of granting you this continual act of love. I will it! As a little fish will die outside of water, so also will you, outside the act of love! You must live in self-effacement and enveloped in one single and continual 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' Nothing else! No one and nothing else must exist for you, only the act of love!
Upon your self-denial I will build up My marvelous work. And do you know what can procure your self-effacement? The unceasing act of love! Nothing remains of yourself or for yourself, but through the unceasing act of love all is for Me! Saint John the Baptist called himself 'a voice crying in the wilderness.' You are to be 'an unceasing act of love!' (pg.16)
Duc in altum! Launch out into the deep! Bid farewell forever to all that is earth and creature, and head for the open sea with the unceasing act of love! Forward! Toward the eternal shores! Consolata, in order not to lose time, you should renew all your promises every time you pronounce an act of love. If you have fallen, raise yourself up again; if you have forgotten, then start anew, an act of love is useful for everything, at any time, and under every condition!
Be extremely vigilant not to permit one thought to enter, not to utter a single sentence except in reply, but do not lose yourself in this effort. No! Lose yourself rather in the unceasing act of love! It does not suffice for you to avoid talking during recreation. What I desire is the continual act of love! That is why I require silence from you! Whatever disturbs you in your act of love, does not come from Me! It is My desire that, throughout your day, you should not deny Me one single act of love, not even one! Do you understand? Forget everything else! Love me continuously, even though your heart be of ice or stone. That does not matter. But everything depends upon an unceasing act of love, and upon nothing else! (pg. 17)
Consolata, it matters little that the devil and your passions unleash in your soul every possible attack; do not mind thunder, storm, and lightning. Say to yourself: 'I want to continue undismayed my act of love from one Communion to the next; that is my duty, my sole duty!' And so, forward! Nothing else! Raise your effort to the highest pitch and, firmly determined not to lose one single act of love, take up the struggle again without wasting a backward glance at the interruption! Love Me, Consolata, without regard to the struggle and your inevitable falls. Try not to be impressed by a fall, but continue unperturbed in your act of love! Make every effort, Consolata; it is for your own good! It is upon the effort that I now insist, that you offer Me unceasingly an act of love!
Do you think that I could not grant you this continuity of love? It pleases Me to see you struggle, fall, and rise again, in short, making an effort. I like to see what you can do. And do you know what delights Me most? It is when you rise above everything unperturbed and continue your act of love! Live by loving, one minute at a time! An entire day is too long for you! You must do your utmost to offer Me the unceasing act of love; but when you fail, I will make it good. No, have no fear, I am always kind! Have no fear that I have exhausted the phrases with which to ask of you the same thing: love! I am omnipotent, and am able to repeat the same demand unto infinity in ever changing phraseology! No, I am not tired of it, nor will I ever tire of it, for I desire only this one thing: that you should love Me! Nothing else! (pg.18)
Remember that one act of love may decide the eternal salvation of a soul! You ought to feel remorse, therefore, over the omission of a single 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' Remember, Consolata, that I have not given you Nicholas, nor will I give you your uncle Felix, in reward for your penances and sacrifices, but solely because of your unceasing act of love. Remember that, for it is love that I desire from My creatures!
Why is it, Consolata, that I do not permit you so many vocal prayers? It is because the act of love is more fruitful. One 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' repairs a thousand blasphemies! Consolata, place at one side all the acts of virtue which you could perform today, and on the other side a single day passed in a continuous act of love - I will prefer the day passed in a continual love to anything else you might do or offer Me! (pg.19)
What would you like to give your heavenly Mother during her Novena? Offer her a continual "Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' With that you will be giving her everything! This is for you the most comforting saying in the Gospel, because it excuses all your weaknesses and throws you in complete abandonment upon the Heart of God. There, dissolved in a single act of love, you may ask what you will, and it will be granted you! Oh, remain fixed in this one resolve, not to interrupt this act of love! That suffices for Me. Remain faithful to it, renew it hour by hour, and I will grant you everything, Consolata, truly everything! Look, Consolata, concentrate on your resolve to love continuously! This includes all other resolutions. If you observe this one, you will be observing all the others!
Look, Consolata, concentrate upon one continual 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save Souls!' It is the one and only resolution which will give you the strength to reply with a 'yes' to My every request for sacrifice! Do you know why I tell you to continue solely in this way? It is because by keeping you always united to Me, this continuity of love makes you ready for everything at any moment. (pg.20)
Consolata, prepare yourself for suffering through love. Love continuously! Alas, if you were ever to cease loving! I know that the continual act of love costs you something, particularly at certain times. But it is more meritorious so, Consolata! And then you must never forget that I have chosen you to be a victim of love! Consolata, I swear that I will lead you to every height of love and of sorrow; but as for you: 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' Nothing else!
Through your contact with Me, which results from the act of love, you will discern the little defects which might tend to detach you from this divine union, and you will drive them away. In this manner your entire day will become one continual throb of love from the moment you arise until you fall asleep, and it will even continue into eternity. Not only is your cell for you a sanctuary where you can always find Jesus, the Sacred Heart or the Crucified, but you yourself should be a tabernacle wherever you may be. And just as you do not wish anything but the continual act of love to enter into your cell, so too you must not permit anything but the continual act of love to occupy you, no matter where you may be or in what work you may be engaged. (pg.21)
You see, Consolata, as long as you dwell in Me by the continual act of love, you are living a marvelous divine life. Then you believe in all the future which has been revealed to you, and no doubt can then disturb your soul. But if you leave Me during recreation and become involved in conversation with creatures, then you too will feel yourself to be merely a poor creature, and after recreation a doubt will enter your soul whether all these great things which you are experiencing in yourself, might not be an illusion. Therefore, you must never again leave Me for a creature, not even for twenty minutes! Love Me in your heart even while you are giving a needed reply. You see, since the day of your clothing you have not yet succeeded in giving Me always that which I have requested. On some days, yes, but only a few.
Now, what do you need in order to give Me this continual act of love? You need the twofold silence of thought and word toward everyone, and to see and treat Me in everyone. I will think through you, I will speak through you, I will write through you, but you must be intent solely on loving Me, and loving Me always! That should be your one and only thought from the time of your rising in the morning until you fall asleep at night. The act of love is like a train traveling along on its track; but if the track is cluttered up with useless thoughts, then the train cannot go on but must come to a stop. You see then how necessary the immaculate purity of mind is for you! So, not another thought, not even one! But what peace results from this, Consolata, is it not true? I alone must be in your mind! (pg.22)
Consolata, I have consecrated all the time which remains to you in this life into one single act of love. Now, if you were to stop loving in order to follow some other thought or utter some sentence which is not strictly necessary, you would be committing a theft of love!
Consolata, Jesus took the Cross upon His shoulders and proceeded to Calvary. Do you know in what your cross consists? In not losing one act of love! From now on this shall be your one and only program! The act of love itself is not a cross, but never to omit one under any circumstances, that is a cross. However, it will aid you in carrying all other crosses. I give you as your cross never to lose one single 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' But I also give you the grace to carry this cross faithfully until your dying day. I love you, Consolata. This cross which I lay upon your shoulders, destroys everything in you and brings you at the same time to a scrupulous observance of every little point in your rule, the constitution, and the directives. Do you like the cross which I have bestowed upon you? Are you content?... You must know that it is a very fruitful one! The cross of love is more fruitful than any other cross for Me and for souls. (pg.23)
Consolata, does not My thirst for love and My request for reparation for your Brothers and Sisters tell you everything? Yes, I have given you everything, now you must give Me everything: all your love, your every heartbeat, in one unceasing act of love. I desire nothing else, for only by that unceasing act of love do you give Me everything, for yourself and for your Brothers. Here is where I wish you to show Me your fidelity and generosity by completely renouncing every thought, every word, so as never to interrupt your act of love. You must love Me always and accept the consequences, but never interrupt the act of love! I know that this will gradually consume and immolate My Consolata... That is what it means to be a victim of love! No Consolata, no! My omnipotence is great, and grace will enable you to give Me what I ask of you! Do you wish my blessing in order to free your will and render you tenacious in persevering to the end without ever again interrupting this act of love with a thought or a word? So be it! I give you My blessing! You will never again interrupt it! That is My gift to you on this First Friday in December. (pg.24)
This day do I consecrate you as a victim of love. I do not wound you with a dart, but I inflame you in silence. Now you can no longer interrupt your act of love even if you wish to! What time is left you to live from today to your last hour, is united with this unceasing act of love. Believe Me, with that you give Me everything! Yes, Consolata, we will despise and trample underfoot every obstacle, and we will love always and unceasingly until your last breath... Yes, for that I will be responsible! Now it is no more a case of carrying the cross, but of living upon the cross and of persevering on the cross with the unceasing act of love. Courage, Consolata!
It is necessary for you to have such a mastery over your thoughts and over your speech that the devil can achieve nothing against you any more; such a mastery is facilitated by the act of love. Only the continuity of the act of love can insure the virginal purity of your heart. Take notice! What the enemy wants to keep you from, is the continual act of love. That is the reason for all this assailing struggle of thoughts. Any thought satisfies him, even a good one, so long as it keeps you from loving Me!
Do you know in what the purity of your act of love consists? In not intermingling with it one other single thought; for it is possible for you to be loving with the heart and yet be thinking of something else with the mind at the same time. The purity of the act of love excludes every other thought and requires a virginal purity of mind. Do you understand? That is how I desire the act of love from you. But have no fear, I will assist you to offer it in all its purity. And so, by not permitting anything else to enter, you give Me, by loving, everything! (pg.25)
You see, even in good thoughts which creep in, there is always a bit of self-love, of complacency, and it is easy to see how they will spoil the act of love. But if you will have complete trust in Me, that I am attending to everything and will continue to do so, and if you will not permit even one other thought to enter, then your act of love will possess a virginal purity. You promise Me virginal purity in love, and I promise you in turn its scrupulous observance. If I confirm you through grace in the virginal purity of love, you must not think that it will cost you no further effort to love Me. Oh no! Confirming you in grace does not preclude struggle and effort!
You see, virginal purity of love parallels virginity of mind. When a soul establishes herself in this virginity of love, nothing can succeed in disturbing her any further; she will be confirmed in peace as it were.
Behold the Blessed Virgin at the foot of the Cross. She suffers, yes; but what dignity in her suffering! Can you see her?... In a sea of anguish, not one lament! She does not become despondent or discouraged; nothing of the kind!... She accepts and suffers, she offers it all up with calmness and strength, even to the 'consummatum est'. That is the way I wish you to be in the days of sorrow, the virginal purity of your love will help you to be so! (pg.26)
Amen, amen, I say to you: That whosoever committed sin, is the servant of sin. And so with you, if you permit one thought to enter, if you pronounce one sentence that is not in reply to a question, then you will remain a slave to your infidelity. The servant is a slave, and slavery weighs heavily. Just so, after an infidelity you feel your soul enveloped by sadness, and you do not know how to rise again, except by having recourse to Jesus. Conversely, if you resist the temptation and are faithful, then you feel yourself free and strong and ready for all manner of suffering. Do you understand, Consolata? Remember this!
Consolata, look at the whiteness of the snow all about you... Just so must you remain in virginal purity of mind, of speech, and of heart; then suffering will always be sweet to you. For only faithfulness makes you suffer, nothing else! To suffer for the love of Jesus and of souls, is a joy! You see, while you are loving Me, the enemy cannot enter with a single bad thought because all your faculties are absorbed in loving. But if you cease to love, he can do so very well. So you must always love! This unceasing act of love procures for you the triple virginity of the heart, the body, and the spirit. Consolata, virginal purity of mind: yes, in Me alone!... Virginity of heart: yes, in Me alone!... Purity of suffering: for Me alone!... Purity of speech: speak only with Me!... virginity of the heart, the body, and the spirit. Virginal purity of mind renders you beautiful and immaculate. The continuous act of love makes you fervent the way I desire you to be! Consolata, henceforth we must not merely strive to avoid defects, but our efforts must aim at loving Jesus even to the extremes of folly! I wish to be ardently loved by you! (pg.27)
Remain calm also in your act of love. For if you do not proceed with calmness but force your heart, the latter will become exhausted and will not be able to continue with its song! You must not think that it is less intense when it is more calm! Calmness insures its continuity, do you understand? Love is a fire in itself. Permit it to consume quietly My little victim! Love in peace. Let love consume you softly, not with fury and vehemence, for that would merely exhaust you and keep you from delighting Me with your song! You continue to love Me with calmness, you will be able to offer Me this unceasing act of love. On the other hand, if you force your heart to love Me impetuously, you will be obliged to stop, for you will lack the strength to continue. (pg.28)
Consolata, I have every claim upon you, but you have only one duty: to obey Me. I require a docile will which permits Me to act, which lends itself to everything, which trusts in Me and serves Me always in peace and joy, no matter what the situation is. Let Me do everything! You will see that I will do everything, and do it well, and that My little victim will become fruitful in love and in souls! I delight to work in a soul. You see, I love to do everything Myself; and from this soul I ask only that she loves Me. Think no longer about yourself, about your perfection, on how to attain to sanctity, or about your defects, your present and future troubles. No. I will see to your sanctification, to your sanctity. You must henceforth think only of Me and of souls; of Me to love Me, and of souls to save them! Let Me do everything! Act as though only I existed. Of yourself there should remain only the continual act of love and an extreme docility to do simply and always whatever I desire or indirectly through your superior or your Sisters. (pg.29)
Let everything else in you be silent. Only: 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' And rest assured that I am thinking of everything and making every provision, even to finding the time for repairing the sandals. You see, it is the devil who is trying to overwhelm you with work and cause you anxiety about all the various demands made upon you simultaneously. No, I am thinking of everything, and I will also let you find the necessary time for everything!
Live a life of complete abandonment in God! As for the day, the hour, and the minute of your death, Jesus, the Blessed Virgin and Saint Joseph are thinking of that and preparing for it. You should concentrate solely upon loving Me and on saving souls! Your act of love will not cease with your death but will continue to all eternity in heaven! (pg.30)
Everything that distracts you from pious practices such as Holy Mass, Communion, the Divine Office, meditation, is not good, and proceeds not from Me!
Tell Me, what more beautiful prayer do you want to offer Me? 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' Love and souls! What more beautiful prayer could you desire? You think you do not know how to pray... What prayer is more beautiful and more acceptable to Me than the act of love? Do you know what Jesus is doing in the tabernacle? He is loving the Father and He is loving souls. That is all. No sound of words, nothing. Only silence and love. So, do the same! No, my dear, do not add any prayers; no, no, no! Gaze upon the tabernacle, and love in that way! I prefer one of your acts of love to all your prayers! 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' This comprises all: the souls in purgatory and those in the Church Militant, the innocent and the sinful souls, the dying, the Godless, etc. When you will have uttered your last 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!' I will gather it up and will convey it by means of your life's writings to millions of souls who, though they be sinners, will welcome it and will follow you in the simple way of trust and love, and in that way will love Me. (pg.31)
Have no fear. On your dying day you will have attained the summit and will have pronounced the last act of love which Jesus desired when He called you to become a victim of love. I am not asking you to write down these things for yourself who are about to descend into your grave, but for your Brothers and for the enormous number of Littlest Souls who will follow you in offering Me the unceasing act of love. O Consolata, do you remember your great passion to bring children to Jesus and Jesus to children? Well, you will be bringing children to Me even when you are in heaven, the Littlest Ones, and you will be giving Me to them through your unceasing act of love. Do you believe that? The Littlest Ones will not merely be counted by the thousands, but by millions and millions. They will not belong exclusively to the feminine sex; there will also be men; yes, there are many Little Souls even among men! And after your death the Littlest Souls will come running to you just as the children of your catechism class, the Benjamins, came running to you one day in the great St. Maxim Square.
Yes, Consolata, the hearts of the Littlest Ones are destined to die of love for Me and to consume themselves exclusively for Me. The world cannot call Me cruel, for ever so many die of vice, victims of the world! Is it not right, Consolata, that the creature should consume herself for her Creator? (pg.32)
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